The Kingsway Story
Shelton (Shel) and Louise Jennings started what they thought would
be a small “Mom and Pop” ministry at their home in Weyers Cave
in 1977 that they called The Love Center. In 1983, they had the ministry
chartered with the State Corporation Commission, and in 1984,
opened their Love Center as Kingsway Ministries in downtown
Harrisonburg with a food pantry, clothes closet, and prison ministry.
Over the years, Kingsway has moved all over the downtown area
due to the buildings they rented being sold. Some did not have space
for the food pantry, so they partnered with churches in the area that
did have food pantries. In 1996, the name was changed to Kingsway
Prison and Family Outreach to better describe the services being done.
At that time, the Board of Directors decided to focus on all aspects of
the prison ministry, continuing the inside prison programs and
increasing the assistance when inmates were released. During the
first 10 years of focusing on prison ministry only, they welcomed
over 20 men to live with them as part of their family and helped them
find their way back to society and get their own places to live.
When Shel Jennings passed away in 2012, Louise chose to continue the Kingsway ministry with some great volunteers, two of whom had been with Kingsway for 15 years. Louise retired as Executive Director in January 2024 and was named Director Emerita; she continues to volunteer. Kingsway hired Paula Ford as the first salaried Executive Director. For over 40 years, there was no paid staff, only great volunteers.
The goal of Kingsway is to help ex-offenders become “clean, sober, and useful tax-paying citizens.” A program is also available for the mothers of inmates while they are still incarcerated.
“Prison ministry isn’t for everyone because you may see more failure than success,” says Louise. “In prison, there is always someone to talk to, but when prisoners get out, church is just on Sunday and the general public is too busy. Returning citizens (ex-offenders) can’t find the help they need. Kingsway is seeing positive things happen. People have gotten out to better things in their lives. It is wonderful to see families restored.”

Shel & Louise Jennings,
Kingsway Prison and Family Outreach